How To Store Bacon Grease – The Easy Way

Storing bacon grease is something everyone should be doing. Find out how to store bacon grease and why you want to do so.



Is bacon a bad thing? It’s a matter of opinion, but many people would say that bacon is not something to eat every day. I’m afraid I have to disagree!

Bacon is one of the world’s most delicious and versatile food items.

If you choose to enjoy bacon as I do, how can you make sure that all that delicious flavor isn’t lost?

Bacon Adds Flavor

The answer is to save bacon grease and use it to add flavor to almost all foods.

The salty, smoky flavor bacon adds to any dish can make an ordinary meal extraordinary. And one way to add even more flavor to your meals is by saving and reusing bacon grease.

Here are a few different ways to store bacon grease without risking spoilage or bacteria growth.

The method you choose will depend on how long you plan to keep it, how much you have, and how it will be used.

Is It Good To Save Bacon Grease

Yes, it is generally considered good to save your leftover bacon grease. Rendered lard or smoked bacon grease was one of the readily available cooking oils for many back in the day and still is.

Bacon Grease Has Been Used For Years

Bacon grease has been used for years as an alternative to butter. When stored correctly in a bacon grease container or glass jar, it can last several months or longer and add great flavor to any recipe.

Bacon Has Health Benefits

It also contains health-beneficial fatty acids that are not found in other fats.

Therefore, if you cook with bacon regularly, saving the fat can help add bacon flavor and nutrition to your dishes.

How To Properly Store Bacon Grease

To prevent rancidity and spoilage, try not to let the fat sit out for too long before transferring it to an airtight container.

Strain The Grease

Be sure to strain the grease first, as there may be bits of bacon left in the skillet that can give the food an unpleasant flavor and cause it to turn rancid.

By following these tips on how to store bacon grease, you can enjoy all the flavor it adds without worrying about spoilage or bacteria growth.

What Do You Save Bacon Grease In?

You should save your excess grease in a grease can, mason jar, or a plastic food storage container.

Grease Can

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A bacon grease can with a mesh strainer is also helpful for collecting and straining the oil before using it.

Be sure to store the bacon grease in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources for maximum freshness and extend the shelf life.

You should also avoid letting the fat sit out for too long, as this will increase the chances of it going rancid and spoiling.

Storing Bacon Grease In Jars:

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For short-term storage (up to 6 months), store the bacon grease in a resealable mason jar.

First, make sure the hot grease is cooled down and strain it through a fine-mesh strainer, paper towel, or a coffee filter to remove any bacon bits or other impurities.

Pour the grease into the jar, leaving an inch of space at the top so it doesn’t overflow. Seal it tightly, and keep it on a shelf or in your refrigerator.

Does Leftover Bacon Fat Need To Be Refrigerated?

Not really. But refrigerated bacon grease will help prevent bacterial growth and keep the oil fresh for longer.

If you plan on using the bacon fat within a few days, it can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container.

However, it should still be used within a few weeks to a few months for maximum freshness.


For long-term storage (longer than six months), you can freeze bacon grease by pouring it into an ice cube tray and freezing it until solid.

Once it’s frozen, remove the cubes from the tray and store them in a freezer-safe plastic bag or container for up to a year.

Some say you can keep it in the freezer indefinitely.

Label The Container

Labeling the container with the date you stored it so that you can keep track of how long it’s been in your fridge or freezer is also a good practice.


Bacon grease can be used to cook various favorite foods, from scrambles and omelets to mashed potatoes to stir-fries and even baked goods.

It certainly adds a rich, smoky flavor that enhances any dish.

The Difference Between Bacon Fat And Lard

The most significant difference between bacon fat and lard is how they are produced.

Though both are derived from pork, bacon fat is rendered from bacon, while lard is extracted from the fatty tissue of a pig.

Bacon Fat

Bacon fat is from cooking bacon, while lard is the white, solid fat from rendered pork.

Bacon fat has a smoky flavor, and you can use bacon grease as a cooking oil for sautéing vegetables or baking homemade bread.


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Lard has a milder flavor and is often used in baking, as it helps produce a flaky, crunchy pie crust.

Bacon fat is also lower in saturated fat than lard, making it better for those looking to reduce their intake of these types of fats.

Therefore, if you’re seeking a healthier alternative to butter or other saturated fats, bacon fat may be the best choice.

Both offer flavorful options for cooking, but if you’re looking for a healthier alternative, then bacon fat may be the way to go.

What Do I Do With Leftover Bacon Grease

Bacon grease can be used as an alternative to butter or vegetable oil when sautéing vegetables, frying eggs, popping popcorn, seasoning beans, or even making gravy.

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Bacon grease also adds a delicious smoky flavor to dishes like scrambled eggs, especially fried eggs and potatoes.

You can also use the bacon drippings to make a variety of flavorful sauces, ranging from gravy to tangy barbecue sauces.

Leftover bacon grease can also be used for frying up the best crispy, golden-brown potatoes.

You can also season a cast iron skillet with it or make the best-ever cornbread or grilled cheese sandwiches.

We use bacon grease to fry meat, sauté vegetables, make popcorn and hash browns, and for seasoning when cooking a pot of beans.

Overall, there are a variety of delicious uses for bacon grease that can help you add flavor and nutrition to your favorite recipes.

The great thing is, if you do not need to cook with it right away, you can always store it and use it later.

Does Bacon Fat Go Bad?

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Yes! Eventually, it goes bad, but how you store the bacon grease depends on how quickly it spoils.

Bacon grease can become rancid. Rancid oil has an unpleasant odor and taste and can make the food you cook taste bad.

To be sure your fat hasn’t gone bad, check the dates on your label and check for any changes in color, smell, or taste before using it and ruining one of your favorite recipes.

But what if you don’t want to deal with straining it through a coffee filter or grease can so you can have homemade bacon grease?

How should you get rid of it?

How To Dispose Of Bacon Grease

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When disposing of bacon grease, it is important to do so responsibly.

Bacon fat should never be poured down the drain as this can clog your pipes and damage your plumbing.

Instead, you can use the following methods to dispose of the excess bacon grease safely.

  • The first method and the best way is to allow the bacon grease to cool completely and then discard it in an appropriate container, such as a sealed jar or plastic bag, before throwing it in the trash. This will help prevent a greasy mess in your trash can.
  • The second method is to strain out any particulates from the fat and pour it into a compost pile, where it will eventually break down. You can also use an absorbent material like paper towels or newspaper to soak up the fat before you throw it on your compost pile.

*No matter how you dispose of it, remember that hot bacon grease should never be poured down the drain!


What is the best container to store bacon grease?

The best container to store bacon grease is one that comes with a strainer and a lid like this one.

How long can you keep bacon grease before it goes bad?

You can keep bacon grease for weeks and sometimes months before it goes bad.

Is it worth saving bacon grease?

It is absolutely worth saving bacon grease for cooking with and seasoning not only food but your cast iron, too.

How long can bacon grease be refrigerated?

Bacon grease will last for months without refrigeration as long as it is in a container with a lid, but it will last even longer when refrigerated. You can also freeze bacon grease too.

These are but a few easy ways how to store bacon grease properly. You may have other ways that you do it, and if so, leave us a comment and tell us what you do.

Whether you save it or dispose of this “liquid gold” is up to you, but I highly recommend you learn how to save bacon grease and enjoy the difference it makes when cooking or baking!

You’ll be glad you did! If you happen to have other questions, be sure to check out our frequently asked questions page for more practical tips and tricks.

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